
beats by dr dre pro e in shape may comp

Chapter 283 a win a to hurt
Stone thousand rob use of lance, than the ordinary people use more longly also more the breadth is some", this has the multicolored rich in hues veins to the lance sword body and Be different from the ordinary people is used of that kind of body snow-white color.
The lance is a , relentless of the sword spirit of pole is blunt sky of but rise, the sword annoys Ning but doesn't spread and ripple one Ling Yu the marvellous ripple come out, ripple just like have life, unexpectedly stimulate ground the top of head is toward the Ji vast sky cover, destroy Ji vast sky in those ripple oceans.
On those ripple, contain extremely weird marvellous strength, all of those strength are full all the sweet and bitter experiences salty to worlds 100 flavor Wus, have the dint of the true meaning of a certain life.
Stone thousand rob the opportune moment of choice very ingenious-, at Ji vast sky dejected short moment, he relentless of the sword certainly bomb however inherit, there is no one silk omen.
The Ya however the facial expression of Ji vast sky face hasn't faded to go, that blunt sky of sword's annoying has already inheritted 7 at present, quickly and fierce, all over the place, overaly all of this one spaces.
Weng Weng!
Long Yao long knife suddenly and sharply the Hao move, thick blood very of the spirit is released by the Long Yao long knife, blood very of the spirit coagulate in the point of a knife, an arm thick thin blood dragon, came out from the point of a knife, make threatening gestures the ground is toward covering with the ripple circle covering to hurtle.
The blood Long Da Dun Jiu's typeses, thousand dragons shot up!
For an instant, blood the dragon rush out from Long Yao the long knife, although each blood dragon is very small,live vivid now, have spiritual influence general, suddenly submerge that ripple for rippling.
Don't astoundingly blow up a voice, blood dragon after drilling to go into those circle ripple, is obscure, such as water go into ocean, quickly disappear disappear.
Stone thousand rob barefoot to slowly go, full face respectfully, the lance in the hand constantly distorts to change Huan and in multiple layers annoys wave to release from it.
The Ji vast sky has already concentrated on, the vitality absolute being coagulates at long knife on, the whole body nature is been used to cope with a stone thousand rob of attack.
Suddenly, he realizes this stone thousand rob afraid is he in all his life the strongest opponent met, the stone of the territory of gossip sky thousand rob, have various marvellous Mi amount of power, compare as far as a Chuang not to take these establish a reputation several years of superiors hard cope with.
Whole body the nature throw in, the Ji vast sky eyes suddenly start to shut, huge inside the body of have no dint almost drive Long Yao long the knife Be strong line of to suck up into, don't know why, this time Long Yao long the knife compare to all have to be active at any time, unclearly some excitement.
A blood dragon after drilling go into those small ripple obscure, however, as Long Yao, grow the knife host's Ji vast sky, but clear realize that the blood dragon is making every effort an activity, although can't see could not touch, but he can respond up contain of strength, there is also the blood to continuously strengthen very of dint.
The blood Long Da Dun Jiu's typeses is the strong secret that Xuan Yuan in the Ji house possesses singly, Xuan Yuan in the Ji house of generation , under the wild strength of the blood Long Da Dun Jiu's typeses, will can will contain in the blood strength in the body to release proficiently each time.
Blood dragon, concealed have no at that of ripple in, constantly vacillating in those ripple, struggle, break ……
In the sky, suddenly spread a continuous and never-failing and depressed explosion voice, the ripple that sees those constantly ripple , as exploding ground blossom, in the sky and quickly disappear.
The Ji vast sky and stone thousand rob body at the same time fierce Hao, be tenth, separated 2 people of rice, in the center of the district imitated a Buddha to spread extremely terrible vibration strength and pushed 2 people to constantly return to back and in a twinkling withdrew 50 meters far.
The air net diagram Yu ripple disappearance disappears, stone thousand rob to lift lance, full is the excitement that can not stop in the Mou, repeatedly drink a way, "happy!Is really happy!"
Body already steady live of Ji vast sky, air equanimity, sit quietly and meditate such as the old monk similar have no sad have no pleased, looking at Ji vast sky so quietly, the voice is also mild like water:"The elder brother of the stone is indeed as expected severe.
Stone thousand rob to greatly mark time to walk, each feet falls in, the this one stone wood lightly shakes Hao for a while and imitate a Buddha the fierce monster being been huge by one put out strength ground by foot Duo wear the earth, along with his arrival, stone thousand rob a body up of relentless the breathing is more and more strong, the strength of the of world, immediately but move, madly since the all directions flowed out, come together on the lance in the his hand.
On that lance, the heavy world vitality unexpectedly presents one crystal-like in shape, may compare the highest best in density dollar stone, originally generous of lance, seem to be more huge, stone thousand the vehemence robbing is also more and more strong.
Such as deep mountain thou the well is similar, don't rise one silk wave, the Ji vast sky looking at so a stone thousand rob, facial expression cold matchless, the vitality absolute being has already united as one with world.
Stone thousand rob lance to rove around in the unreal, rub with air and unexpectedly spread the voice that gold iron hands over shot.
The Jing blood in the body suddenly***get up, the blood from four absolute being monsters, imitate a Buddha a while drive thoroughly the government hair came, the spirit of a huge and matchless fighting, from the Ji vast sky body up bomb however break out.
The woman without pubic hair of four absolute being monsters, the absolute being of the fighting, fights to have no in the murderous look.
The Ji vast sky bombs however hurtles to go out.
The long knife blood Long Da Dun Jiu's type of Long Yao in the hand is continuous and never-failing to display out, moment and stone thousand rob to entwine together, the terrible spirit field releases on two Human bodies, with these two artificial centers, hurtle toward the all directions.
Qiang Qiang!Bomb!Bang bang bang!
The collision voice of vehemence, from 2 people boxing feet absolute being the soldier hand over to hit an explosion to come out.
With these two artificial centers, this one stone Lin Fang Fo just drive a head of time immemorial the fierce monster wreak havoc and fly a sand to walk stone, in the stone wood knoll similar high big rock, annoy in the sword, the flying of knife light shoot under, fall apart, fly to go out toward the all directions.
The stone scraps falls thick and fasts, the earth is also a dust to float in the sky, this a piece of district, cover with in the mentally dense a while, eyes are here and have already lost the function that should have.
Heavy earthquake Hao, a gutters with huge flies to shoot in the ray of light in present, several huge stub ancient trees are connected a root to pull out, haven't dropped down, the root-stocks are all become by the Jie to smash.
The two young men of the strongest world fight and have never deceived some observant and conscientious persons' eyes, those originally should have peace of mind a waiting person in the valley of Xuan Yuan and followed orotund the direction spreading rushes through, or Ling however signed in the sky, or far and far stood in the another place, is all stone wood who silently looks at belligerence, hope to witness the detail of this war.
Beard Hao with fierce hate the combat in sky, but unmanned concern, on the other hand because can not find the district that 2 people engage, also have reason 11 who all frightened drive mistake wound!
Nine the temple private in the sky's strength surprised world Qi ghost absolute being, 9 exchanges blows, will surge an aftermath of fearfulness to come out, anyones all know the destruction dint that nine temple private in the sky's strength has what fearfulness, probably and only just the sword long grass that they unintentionally release knife only, probably fight a view to kill.Therefore, beard Hao and fierce hate the combat in sky, public have heart have no dint, don't pay attention to.Bomb!Bomb!Stone Lin Chu, deafeningly bellow a voice to imitate a Buddha always
Can not see the detail that clear distance stone Lin Liang Ren exchanges blows.
Far and far stand the valley of Xuan Yuan of surroundings, return the superior of a dollar religion, can with lend 2 people's vehemence, distinguish their to act and display of secret strength, but can hardly catch them of each and every move.
However, in spite of is the superior of the Xuan Yuan valley this place, still return a dollar religion there of strong, is all that the air is easy, a shape that my affirmation will win.
Return a non- religion person to believe a stone thousand rob of strength, ever since that time know that oneself has such a little younger brother Shi starts, they are then very curious about this little younger brother Shi's background and strength, and stone thousand rob don't make them disappoint as well, as long as is know a stone thousand rob of person, all know a stone thousand rob although don't usually come back, can fight experience but extremely enrich, know that little younger brother Shi whom this fame doesn't show has already truely return the profound meaning comprehension that didn't believe in, true of fix for at public in early leading.
Several year agos, stone thousand rob then orchid river the Sha defeat, he after being that astonishing growth dint, traveling over in the overseas for several years has the real strenght of what fearfulness at present, and no man can know.
Therefore, as long as those superiors who return a dollar religion who know this little younger brother Shi's record of events, all can win to him a matter believe deeply to doubt not, even if is a Xuan Yuan, they don't see fit to excel a stone thousand to rob as well.
The Xuan Yuan valley this place more trust.
These in the last years, the Ji vast sky has never made them once disappoint and often brings them the surprise, the real strenght constantly advances by leaps and bounds, usually can develop export surplus to often fix for come out.
He returns from this sea at present, the state has already broken a gossip sky, and the identity of Xuan Yuan, blood of arrogant, these people don't think that the world still has what young man, can excel him under the same state.
Stone Lin Zhong.
Smoke of filling the air gradual dissipation, a the astonishing sword long grass that does a sort, coagulate huge and matchless world vitality, take to ruin the strength that the sky puts out ground, bomb however from nine days on sprinkle to infuse down.
This is stone thousand rob of strength.
Return non- religion orchid river Sha a group of people, a corner of mouth is wearing a smile, know a stone thousand rob have already used real strength, feel that the combat should soon end.
Xuan Yuan valley there, the Xiao breaks mountain and Xiao interest and ghost Rong a group of people, the facial expression is in vain dignified.
……This, this kind of strength, stronger than me!Mama of, how may, that boy, that boy is just many big, have already exceeded a gossip highest point for sky of the territory is not?"Xiao's breaking mountain one face doesn't dare to believe ground to drink a way shockingly.
Han Feng is also surprised Be getting more foolish, the subconscious ground shook to shake head, way, "this in this world, originally small monster not only Ji vast sky that boy is a , this calls stone thousand rob of guy, unexpectedly thus violent, connect I run into and feared to also only defeat a road!"
The Xiao breaks mountain to have a gossip the fixing of territory of highest point for sky for, even he is so frightened, admit own strength strong however stone thousand rob, it is thus clear that stone thousand the real strenght for robbing was how arrogant.
Originally was all full of a group of people of the valley of Xuan Yuan of confidence to the Ji vast sky, felt that stone thousand also starts worrying about Ji vast sky after robbing terrible strength.
Even now!Stone wood there, the colourful aureole slowly suspends, in those aureoles"world five lines of strength bomb however break out, five lines of of the dint flow in those aureoles and make only because of medium be full of very strange strength.
Suddenly, surroundings of public, could not feel the position of Ji vast sky any further.
So for an instant, the Ji vast sky imitates a Buddha to suddenly disappear without a trace general, who can not pass nerveless motion, comprehend the existence of Ji vast sky.
Sixes are pure to have no post of dint coagulate but become, suddenly present in the unreal"moreover a marvellous strength, from that stone wood explosion come out.
Be separated to count an inside, however, a line of superior of surroundings, all feel the absolute being soul imitates a Buddha to have to put out to kill the strength that everything livings a soul soul for of one Hao, the deep place spreading a son to shock from the absolute being soul, everybody realizing, those aring six doing not release in the dint pillar of strength, .
Stone thousand rob that astounding one sword, bomb however break out in the wood in the stone, however, stone thousand rob the huge strength of this sword, but drive the breathing of stone two oddities within woods give abruptly resolve open.
Original vehemence of that terrible pole, the suddenly marvellous dissipation, is in a short while just an effort, then all gone.
Surrounding the one who round view, a the full face was actually interrogative, didn't know in that stone wood to take place what, each person is diligently comprehending, wants to make use of the strength of oneself absolute being soul, see a rights of the case, however, in spite of is who, as long as is the strength of the absolute being soul ten get into that one scope, immediately and then such as net eye general, could not feel everything, a have no acquisition.
In spite of is the Xuan Yuan valley this place, still keep returning a dollar religion those people, all some Leng absolute being, feel puzzling in the heart.
Those two strength come suddenly of pole, mix up with the soul breathing of Ji vast sky among them, they know those strength to absolutely come from Ji vast sky, unfortunately they but can not realize a Ji vast sky, I come out, this is really one to make them feel a depressed affair.
Stone thousand rob to also have this felling.
With meticulous care the ferment comes out of one shot, bomb however fall in, but suddenly unable to find target, contain in the rare sword to annoy in of strength, but be resolved by the difficult to express strength, even absolute being soul all the mess is unbearable, gradually control not oneself a double-edged sword in of strength, this felling, stone thousand rob have never comprehended, also not knew to actually take place what.
Stone thousand rob to have a gossip for sky of fixing of territory for, many in the last years bitternesses fix the rare secret of returning a dollar religion, the self-discipline date far and far once grew Ji vast sky and also compared he got into a gossip for sky in former times of territory.
In this case, belligerence in, but he could not see the trace of Ji vast sky, could not feel the breathing of Ji vast sky, this is absolutely an unimaginable affair.
Make use of the great void Mi records of great void dreamland, the Ji vast sky that the oneself's body, absolute being soul along together bind, at from become a great void Mi of world and record in, but can clearly see a stone thousand rob of action, know a stone thousand the surprise for robbing with don't understand.
The great void Mi records extremely difficult to understand, with world five lines of of dint for foundation, construct without basis a new world, originally had country the earth in this world, there is plant flower and grass, there is the light of stars"at present, and the rise bright moon Gao Xuan ……
Gradually,beats by dr dre pro, world creation contain on five lines of mainlands, great void dreamland in have already gradually filled full, in addition to the sun and life, majority of materials all have been already appeared in this great void dreamland.
In the great void dreamland, the Ji vast sky is the only true absolute being, here, once he start to read, can collapse the mountain and stream, it flow back river water, it has no light the stars, bright moon!
In the great void dreamland, person's five lines of absolute being souls on mainlands are hard to realize, however, pass him at
Feel outsidely that the Rao Rao is in succession.
Ji vast sky suddenly from the stone thousand robbed to after death and uncannily appear, helded Long Yao long knife, the Hong only exploded to shoot but, kept toward the stone thousand to rob to split.
Stone thousand rob shivering a surprised, the favour concentrates on in replying and raises sword to mutually face.Bomb!
Caught unprepared of stone thousand rob, the strength in the huge sword fully has never stored highest point, abruptly answered Ji vast sky with all strength of one shot, naturally some can not stand, the body is repeatedly split to withdraw in defeat.
When his strength stores Ji Feng, the preparation returns the time of shot with all strength, but discover the figure of Ji vast sky disappears to disappear without basis, don't stay the breathing existence of one silk ten cents.
Stone thousand rob foolish, finally many in the look in the eyes penny fan Mang.
Liftses huge sword, the huge world vitality comes together, astounding one shot Xu power due-out"but suddenly war not wear person, this felling lets stone thousand rob to sadly want to die.
The there can be no returnning back has to deliver, although unable to find target, can stone thousand rob still must release the strength of the huge sword in the hand, otherwise, those strengths that constantly coagulate, will bear too many pressures his body, time a long, will make his body heavy and matchless.
Stone thousand spaces shut worthy of a look, work hard to comprehend world vitality to change Huan get track, look for the world vitality thinner and diluted district and more heavy district.
End, by dint of feel, stone thousand rob toward the world vitality thinner and diluted district, released the strength of the huge sword in hand.
He doesn't know to right, in the mind noodles some bottoms all have no, is just pure according to own feeling
Feel behaviour.
Sometimes, the person's intuition really efficacy ……
Stone thousand rob toward getting empty 1 of Bi, bomb however bump into naked eye difficult see of space natural cover on, the resplendent and multicolored light point explodes project, a shadow of human figure suddenly orders in the multicolored rich in hues light in clear.
Being quite good is exactly the Ji vast sky that disappears without basis!Stone thousand rob foolish, the Ji vast sky is also a full face doubt.
Long Yao in hand is long knife Hong simply swallowing to vomit not certain surprisedly looking at a stone thousand rob, Ji vast sky way:"Can you seek to get me?"
Stone thousand rob a look in the eyes weird, embarrassedly smiled to smile, calm way:"Can not find, just one shot, purely blind receive."Facial expression suddenly a positive, he greatly drinks a way:"This for a while, I can't escape the opportunity of going into another space for you again!"
One circle marvellous energy, suddenly remit to gather before the body in the Ji vast sky, those energies are to have consciousness and round Ji vast sky to keep turning, various emotions motion that have no preface, release from those energies in succession, Ji vast sky the space before the body thoroughly fill with.
Suddenly, the Ji vast sky discovers oneself can not a piece of district gets into great void dreamland over there.
The cabin of periphery once has great capacity disorder, he was dead silent the mind, after recording communication impressively discover that the great void Mi records peripheral space blind side with great void Mi in, be also undulated by those astonishing emotions to fill with.
This time, the Ji vast sky understands right away didn't°yet the greatly satisfactory great void Mi record, although can already develop a various marvellous places,still keep having some blemishes now, isn't flawless.
Have no in a treetop to mourn dead, a see the great void Mi record short time to develop the function that should have to come out, the Ji vast sky decides on the spot and gave up to continue to make use of great void dreamland to oppose right away, the heart reads a to move, those cover with at on all sides, temporarily not and truely launch an attack of six have no dint pillar, a while with he absolute being soul conjunction at together.
Brain Di in, Kui soul song deep and low and faraway melody, suddenly rang.
Is huge of have no dint and absolute being soul strength together, bomb however live to note into six dollar dint pillars, those are six have no dint pillar top of marvellous sign, dance in the wind one by one, gleam Yi Yi Hao to constantly release marvellous strength to come out only.
The strength that passes a Kui soul song, the Ji vast sky discovers that stone thousand rob of the soul magnetic field be suddenly penned, soul wave release in the soul magnetic field, as if was tie~upped by the thousands way rope to move not get.
Stone thousand rob facial expression don't change, suddenly shout at top of voice, the intensity of that soul magnetic field constantly strengthens, so for an instant, stone thousand the soul strength robbing then raised a lot, and still just with sooner the speed strengthen.
At present change Ji vast sky shivering change countenance.
This stone thousand rob the strength of absolute being soul too terrible, absolute being soul within the magnetic field of his soul Kuang the strength is more strong, the soul magnetic field flounces the Kui soul song bunch the strength of more strong, come down according to this trend, not how long, this stone thousand rob and then can make use of oneself the terrible strength of the soul, get away from the stipulation of Kui soul song.
Don't is the slightest hesitant, the Ji vast sky hand held Long Yao long knife, the body pulls up a way unreal image, very and soon arrived a stone thousand rob before the body, raise knife to bomb however the Gui arrive a stone thousand rob in the head.
Stone thousand rob eyebrows to wildly jump, full is to stab purpose brilliance in the eye, leave his recent Ji vast sky, discover a stone thousand rob of two eye tongs, a crescent moon shape, the dint of month idea is very heavy, another eye Tong circular, the light of the hot sun astonishing pole.
So in a short while effort, stone thousand rob the strength of soul magnetic field to again soar 100%, the strength of the lock soul song will soon can not hold up.
" Drink!"
Stone thousand rob to suddenly roar to make a noise such as the wild beast similar Si, he that soul magnetic field that is tied to seize, finally flounced the binding force of Kui soul song, also in this a moment, stone thousand the hand and foot robbing resumed the ability of activity.
Also in this a moment, Long Yao long knife, arrives in time at stone thousand the Bo cheek robbing ascended, as long as lightly on rowing, stone thousand rob consumedly good skull, then will Gao Gao Fei since.
The knife is quick, accept knife also quick, Long Yao is long knife just in that stone thousand the Bo beard robbing stopped over short moment, was then and immediately accepted by the Ji vast sky to return to.
Suddenly, 6 that suspends in the unreal has no dint pillar, disappear of without a trace, the Ji vast sky punishes the strength of body to fade to go a while, even Long Yao in the hand long knife, also all disappear to be missing.
Stone thousand rob to breathe heavily spirit, the facial expression rises of is red, the sun and moon double Tong blinked to blink, then will resume just
For a long time after.
"Yu."Stone thousand rob wrinkly eyebrows, lightly shook to shake head.
"Calculate draw."The Ji vast sky faces him, sincere way:"You flounced my dint
Quantity, so for an instant, you bad so for an instant ……"
"That for an instant, already enough I am getting more beheaded."Stone thousand robbed to shake to shake head, air cold Jun, way:"Lose be lose, don't lend, although I am unwilling,I admit that your strength is really uncommon!"
He is really unwilling, differ so for an instant, he still has a lot of meanses don't display, at heart deep place, he doesn't think his own not equal to Ji vast sky, not feel that oneself will lose, but he also not is that kind of person who tell a bare-faced lie, that is the fact, he doesn't deny the calm acknowledgement of Bu lost a front line by himself/herself.
Profoundly looking at a stone thousand rob, secretly admire in the Ji vast sky heart, he knows
Didn't try out all strength.
Stone thousand rob to still have magic profound meaning don't use, he also didn't take out the strength of the blood in the body truely, also have he blends blood Long Da Dun Jiu's typeseses and great void Mi to record, the Ao Luo's absolute being teach etc. achievement the method comprehend of some meanses, he also didn't all use out, if not that using awl soul song, the combat of 2 people's, absolutely end impossibly and so quickly.
"That matter ……" Ji vast sky hesitated for a while and had already still said.
"They damn!If"stone thousand rob to suddenly pull to sing a to smile, way, " I- this person can't not speak reputation, in advance say, is result!The Chuang doesn't take 3 people death doesn't expiate all his crimes and calculate you to kill to, kill well!"
The Ji vast sky is a little bit wearing a smile to nod, more appreciate may necessarily become the enemy's stone this future thousand rob
Two at the time that people talked, those those people who originally rounded a view in the distance, rushed through to come in succession, all of a s were to weirdly conjectured 2 people,
The orchid river Sha cries to lose a face and out of spirits looking at a stone thousand rob, facial expression than die the father and mother Be still difficult to see, "little younger brother Shi, how did you lose?"
Those persons who return to have no religion, an is also all full face doubt, until they still not too believe a stone now thousand robbed to lose, felt a bit puzzling.
"The man has already lent, there is no reason, lose be lose."Stone thousand rob air such as often, the tone is mild:"Senior, this affair we have already promised a somebody else, can not renege, whether we strove for to leave here, didn't stay to throw a person here?"
Orchid river Sha full face wry smile, helpless location nod, way 《"leave, I also be disgraced stay here, be really unlucky, originally wanted come over beg for return to facial Bu didn't expect more throw a person
"Master elder brother, how should uncle Shi do?Want to wait him?"Jiang Jian Xi asks.
"Do not take care of him, who know that he runs where and that person the belligerence went to and stopped worrying, he couldn't occupy, I see him in spite of gain or loss, all didn't return to mountain so quickly, we don't take care of."The orchid river Sha flicked to wave hand, way:"Leave, return to mountain."
"Senior, I still some private affairses want a processing, now that this place affair already, that I first is one step."Jiang Jian Xi seems and then is waiting this words, smile happily ground toward public embrace a hand of leave-taking, also ignore that orchid river Sha to agree still different idea, the body suddenly shrinks into underground and winks to be missing.
Follow an orchid river the Sha arrive at a few senior younger brothers together, a quicker than one, all hasty sought to lend, all don't wait the orchid river Sha message of reply, unexpectedly all each incomparable skill, quickly disappear.
"The teacher is closing the border, short time can't come out, you are afraid of ……" until should walk all after finishing walking, the orchid river Sha Hui wears of words just speak, however, can also hear this words now, anti- pour all of the great majority are a Xuan Yuan valley there of person.
"Laugh ……" orchid river Sha broke mountain wry smile to order to nod toward the Xiao, soon after Pie stone thousand rob one eye, way;"Leave, the teacher had a roll call, the other people returned not to return to mountain doesn't matter, and you have to return to.
"H'm, I at the right moment also want to see old ghost."Stone thousand robbed to order to nod.
Soon after, this line of from returned a dollar religion since then, the interest in a hurry comes to the superior whom the valley of Xuan Yuan sends a punitive expedition, so Chien leaving of simple list.
"This person who returns a dollar religion, pours also interesting ……" until after all of the orchid river Sha a group of people leave, Mo Yun Yi just the air peculiarly say.
Should all walk yes, the Xiao breaks mountain a group of people right away and give°s the Ji vast sky to round centrally and stares at Ji vast sky to keep asking and asks occurrence's affair in East China Sea and ask him to kill a Chuang not to take 3 people's detail"ask him at east the circumstance that discuss with easy house luckily in the sky, inquire ghost devil king whether still at.
Inquire him most importantly and stone thousand rob one the concrete affair of the war.
Bring up a stone thousand rob, a public pensively, these have already ascended some superiors of ages, all see out a stone thousand rob of terrible place, see out him that similar to the Ji vast sky endless potential.
Is so young, have already fixed the territory of gossip sky, can still just short time Be significant to promote his/her own strength, display so terrible energy to come out, connect these see know more widely old strange, all realized stone thousand rob of extraordinary.
"This stone thousand rob, may be that the next Cao Xuan is strange!"The Xiao breaks mountain wrinkly eyebrows, hesitate for a while, just way work" his behaviour style has a strange style of some Cao Xuans, completely lawless and godless, have no have scruples about, carry a person young then fixed a gossip of the territory of sky, affirmed to truely inherit Cao Xuan strange teaching, see appearance, this stone thousand rob is that Cao Xuan strangely the strongest pupil, Cao Xuan strange affirmation have no little in the stone thousand rob the body top flower time."
Is public all is to nod in succession, connect a body stone thousand rob badly, say that he is to return a dollar religion next peak person, give sufficient time, will definitely be able to break nine of territory.
"Vast sky, you feel that stone thousand rob how?You can excel him and really make us celebrate
Luckily ……"Mo Yun Yi profoundly looking at Shu 1, sink a voice to ask a way.
Public view, sudden all gatherings come to hand the body of Ji vast sky up.
Stare for many days under, Ji vast sky calm and steady face, hesitate for a while, just wry smile way, "just I can win victory, purely and by luck, re- engage now at present, the Rong didn't again excel his pair of il)!!;r"
This words are a , the public mood is heavy to get up right away.
The Cao Xuan is strange to is already Tashan that presses in the public at heart, everyone of so come together in the valley of Xuan Yuan, all believing the Cao Xuan is strange foolish in the territory of this nine temple highest points in the sky not how long, the Yao fixs to ten square skies' territories and roams about at pleasure an endless star area, the Yao goes off accidentally go into evil scare to death, in spite of Cao Xuan strangely and finally as a result how, can not want how long he will be not in five lines of mainlands.
Wait until that time, the Ji vast sky is afraid to is to have been already grown up, become the r of world strongest a, they because see this, would always and tightly follow behind a body at the Ji vast sky beside"
However, stone thousand rob a , but broke them this fine wishes, see according to this situation, even if is that that Cao Xuan is strange to leave, stone thousand rob completely can replace Cao Xuan strange position as well, give sufficient time, become another Cao Xuan strange bestride Kun of Lun, become another a piece of big stone of public at heart.
"I didn't truely excel his confidence now."The Ji vast sky looking at public, tiny tiny on smiling, way:"However, make a day of it more each time, the confidence in my heart will strong top penny, lead again for several years, again face that stone thousand rob, I believe that I absolutely can defeat him!"
Ji vast sky so on saying, public one Leng, deeply thought for a while, the smile on the everyone face again heavy
The new Zhan opened.
Not aluminum, he just just stepped into the territory of gossip sky, should return Yao to have the circumstance to is truely familiar to wish this state and saided again, Xuan Yuan in the Ji house has been hasing nine temple the sky is the strongest this says, hereafter he exceed Cao Xuan strange, seem just in clear and ordered pattern affair ……
Want so to come, everyone not from secretly let go of heart.
"To, that is just still old fierce that and does the big fatty beat, can't his meeting occupy?"Han Feng is suddenly surprised to shout a , hasty way:"Is old fierce although being severe, canning also just arrive is nine of territory, that fatty who returns a dollar religion, seem to be already in nine territories for a long time, will he can't suffer a los?"
Han Feng so on saying, public just thought of to still have fierce one to hate a sky to still don't come back, although the everyones all know fierce hate a sky severe, but wanted that beard Hao to very early and before change to break nine territories, everyone is to really worry, fear fierce hate a sky will meet what troublesome.
Is tiny tiny on smiling, Ji vast sky way:"Need not worry, should can't what is up."
"You come back from East China Sea together with him, you feel, feel he can enough ……can be enough safe and sound under the strength of that beard Hao?"The Xiao interest asks.
Pondered for a while, the Ji vast sky lightly shook to shake head, way:"Being safe and sound not too may, but I think to can't suffer from too heavy wound and see at me, old fierce isn't that kind of the person of the dead head"not too inflexible."
"Is your meaning to say?Beat however, will he escape?"The Xiao breaks mountain a foolish, peculiarly ask a way.
"He if don't do so, a lot of year agos, he doesn't take their to lay siege to in the Chuang under be killed.Very normal, beat however, move out of the way first, after strengths like future,etc strengthen, there is confidence, come to beg for again face once become …"the Ji vast sky naturally ground say.
"Also yes ……" Xiao breaks mountain to consider fierce hate career of a sky those early years, become clear suddenly.
"He knows perfectly wells a way to be an opponent, why still don't want about that beard Hao is one war on one's own initiative?"Cloud of Ji Wan is some to think impassability, the ground of Leng Leng asks.
"The opportunity is rare."The Ji vast sky smiled to smile, explanation way:"He just breaks nine of the territory isn't much long, under this state, he doesn't clearly have all very in many ways, the time in East China Sea, he and on fighting, that xue emperor has already derived much benefit, now again Be getting more organic, his nature can't pass.
For a while, the Ji vast sky facial expression is one Su, way:"This fighting him probably will hurt, but he passes this war, can harvest a lot, this fights later on, he at nine of the state of the territory will truely the firmness come down.Still have, pass this war, he can know that beard Hao of true fix for, there is bottom in the heart, with the old fierce personality, another matter's affirming behind will study the secret of the beard Hao tou Che, next time he again challenge beard Hao, the final outcome is getting more different …
Listen to Ji vast sky so on saying, public all silent not speech, suddenly feel O.K. fierce to hate a sky to is their friend, not enemy, have got such a didn't anily concern about fetters, thought xun enemy will heart and soul person, to who isn't all pleased affair.
Five lines of surfaces of mainlands, thick bank of clouds deep place.
The beard Hao of stertor your work, the eyes close tightly, sleepwalking generally from the sky but decline, the big feet trample down, the sun and moon has no light, that feet, unexpectedly give° in the whole world all strength to cover.
A sound of depressed pole, at nine day on spread Lei, this explodes ring, changed natural rule, in this bank of clouds, the sound became deep-fried thunder and bombed however explode to open.
The earth under this a piece of district, the clear sky of Lang Lang under, public see a full sky of lightnings rove around, the astounding thunder bombs a voice to linger in the ears, just one Sha, the hail of the fist size is from the sky but decline, bomb however fell down.
Two nine Pu private in the sky's belligerences, lead world rule change, originally not the the hail appeared so along with 2 people of exchanged blows occurrence.
Beard Hao and fierce hate a sky of 2 people although making every effort to avoid will take place accident, but sometimes still hard and every party involved, wait until the hail of fist size coagulates in the bank of clouds, billowing hit to drop down toward the underneath of time, fierce hate a sky to unexpectedly and suddenly accept a hand, a speech not hair, turn around toward underneath fly.
The beard Hao of stertor your work suddenly opens a pair of eyes, the eyes are fond of Mang, the ground of Zheng Zheng looking at fierce hate a sky to leave
Figure of going to.
By the side of his body, the hail of the fist size constantly coagulate, and more gathers more big, see appearance for sky
The disaster will soon form.
The beard Hao bends over to look below, the facial expression is in vain difficult to look, hated however the ground curse and scold a way:"Damn of fierce hate a sky, know perfectly well a way my short time of secret meeting state of mind fan Mang, he unexpectedly trails me to arrive at here.
Under his body, is exactly the national territory of martial a sky country, on the earth of underneath, all of the civilian common people of many martial countries are that the facial expressions are in fear, avoid those hails that fly to drop down everywheres.
Beard Hao flustered and frustrated, at nine day on greatly jump wildly scold fierce hate a sky, but have never chased to go out, but at nine day on display their own strengths, give° those hails that continue to condense to all break~into pieces to open, making can originally harmed a person to even kill the person's hail, destroyed into ice scraps, changed into snowflake to float to fall in.
Being fierce to hate a sky can ignore underneath the life and death of martial country common people in the sky survival, but the beard Hao can not ignore, he looks like eccentricity, in fact and thou the Dan is similar, is also feeling for universal compassion of person.
Being sometimes kind is also a weakness.
Is fierce to hate a sky obviously is grasp at the weakness of beard Hao, take advantage of an opportunity belligerence in, abruptly dragged along the sky of martial country in the sky from water cloud country that beard Hao, and choose a special place intentionally"strong changed world of vitality, make that beard Hao have to overhanging cliff Lei horse, give up for pursuing him.
The horselaugh that leaps and jumps in the beard Hao curses and scolds of time, fierce hate a sky have already flown toward water cloud country to, nine of territory of he, after displaying the speed to the extreme achievement, two distances of nations, is just also for an instant just.
Is fierce to hate the time that the sky returns to the valley of Xuan Yuan, Ji vast sky a group of people also just just the side said the side smiles into the valley of Xuan Yuan and saw fierce after hating a sky, the Ji vast sky was tiny tiny on smiling, slightly surprised way:"Admire, just was subjected to a point slight wound, this pouring is to be getting more rare, that beard Hao have no pain bottom cutthroat."
Air, apathetic, fierce hate light way in a sky:"He favour the Juan cope with the natural calamity of martial country sky in a sky"have no achievement
The man manages me."
This words are a , public Leng soon after want in a short while that the inside being fierce to hate words in a sky understanding of meaning,
Not from must in succession the joke make a noise.
"Is fierce old strange, I took you and saw appearance, sometimes a little bit crueler, indeed as expected can have
Arrive cheapness."The Xiao breaks a mountain exclamation way.
"Vast sky, our meeting is Mt. Heaven a ."It is fierce the vast sky hating a sky to decline to comment, looking at Ji to say.
"H'm."Ordered to nod, the Ji vast sky waited humality to Mo Yun Yi:"I arrive to Mt. Heaven have a little a matter
Feeling soon come back."
Is public to nod, an is wearing a smile to make him go early to early return.
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