
Beats By Dr Dre Studio Text 234 chapte

Press on the head.
Dong Xiao Wan who has already fainted the root have already had no dint to avoid countercheck at this time and keep to pretty and pretty pour over there, whole body weakness without any reservation of the bao expose in small eight eyeses, if give him this leg dependable, this coy Sleeping Beauty afraid is really want death of a woman.
Pa!Have been having no operative way Er, don't know when have already blocked at Sleeping Beauty front.The left hand explores and cool-headedly kneaded small eight a feet.If weight lifting light of will he that records heavy over 1000 catties soar to the skies to fly to step to completely hold up.Moreover a hand is to comply with the surrounding to grasp up.
"Drink!"The way Er hands lift a hand to one Lun at the same time.Small eight as heavy as 140 weights, bang get one is huge to ring to heavily hit at the hot air rise steaming of Teng stove up.The light of fire splashes.Steam a stove be ruined, stove fire's mixing up with unexpectedly circumferential airs of Marses all has already grown scorching hot feeling.
Small eight anti- shotses beat ability nature not bad, only faint two empress.Climb to pull for a bone Lu, the body ambiguously has some to flutter.The original town settles self-composedly the facial expression finally had delicate variety, there are some light Zhan ways in the voice:"You and she what relate to, why want to save her?"If he originally think the real strenght of an Er also ascends than strong he some, try very hard to a to fight, both parties' victory or defeats are still an unknown.
However, the way Er moment explosion comes out a ground of fighting strength at this time.But is make him have the kind has no dint resist of felling.Lo's wearing him that is with assurance full of carriage,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, sees oneself seeming at the playmate who see the game.Impotence that for a long time has never appeared spread from the heart bottom.In the training camp, also only 45 people can give him this felling, this American guy is what person, is the artistic skill unexpectedly thus brilliant?
The way Er can stand up to his short time and mean that specially appreciates, once the right leg lift and go to his lower abdomen Chuai.But small eight favour not the Die hands hand over to fold.Tried to block him this feet.However way Er that one feet that look like ordinary, but is containing powerful delay effect.A depressed voice rings out, the hands that connect him are a.It is malicious to hit in his xiong.
The Deng Deng Deng connected to back 78, small eight directly crash into a cupboard up, xiong's being like is hit by the car and suffocate feeling particularly strong, at a stretch didn't suppress, unexpectedly spew out a blood.The way Er corner of mouth hangs a silk Yin coldly smiling face:"This woman is useful to me, want to kill her, have to lead my this pass first!"
"Ha ha, you pour to have much of confidence to you."Is small eight put on a pair of the blood of the corner of mouth, the look in the eyes strains Shan, orotund light Zhan way:"Had no this kind of to feel for a long time, the taste bleeding was really not great, since you care so that woman, accompany him together die good ……" once small eight words soundses fall, the body ti,such as lightning flash, rushes at an Er, one punch to his double the eye hits.
"Come of well!"The way Er shouts at top of voice, the body ti flies to back, a Zhang quickly intercepts small eight fistses, however exerts to suddenly take back in the at present fist, a feet have already kicked toward his waist rib, " hums, petty skill!"The way Er arm gets down one file, the one punch keeps a dozen toward the other party xiong.
Anticipating the medium collision didn't take place, 81 small legs unexpectedly were taken back with a kind of unimaginable angle, the xiong is hard to pick him up this one punch, then lend this one punch sends out of strength, quickly row to go to the woman who faints on the ground, the one punch has already targeted that chemisette temple!
"Is not good!"Way once the Er see this bastard's target isn't he or she, in the mind unusually surprised Cha, shout loudly a , too late take precautions against an oneself, directly match the body rushes toward to go to that woman, if this woman has a misfortune, his whole liveses don't want to rise a job!So this for an instant, he want to save that woman and poured to forget other.
Is small eight want of is this result, make a pounce upon his moment in the way Er, his another hand has already joined the army to draw out a bayonet inside the Xue, the You light way, such as, flash across, and etc. Er discovers to fall into trap of time, his rib the bottom have already been worn deeply by the bayonet!
"You the guy of this craftiness!"The way Er urgently and urgently absorbed tone, quickly and backward the noodles draws off, the skill Wu lives wound and feels the in fine threads hemp Yang of rib, and his facial expression finally changed:"You ……your bayonet ascend poisonous!You are to employ a soldier!"
Small eight woundses aren't light either, depend on the cupboard, skill Wu wear center of the chest, the Mao Mao says:"Whether employing the soldier has been no longer important, importance BE, you lose!"
"Hum!You also despised me too much!"The way Er sneers at a , arm a horizontal, aim at a piece of watch small eight, the path keeps on keeping pressing, "Sou Sou Sou" is in a row three, three silver needles already all firm enter small eight of xiong front, at this time, way Er just loudly say with smile:"I am a work especially, dangerous is much bigger than you?"
"You ……" is small eight shiver of point at him, the facial expression becomes green ash gradually, flounder way:"That watch ……cough!"
The way Er sneers at 1, as fondling a moqing person fondle mo he or she's wrist:"This is a watch, not a common watch.Not only is canning not buying on the market, connect us nation of especially worker's members all have no severals to equip up of special watch.It canned be more badly many than pistol."
81 small words don't say that the dead dead stares at the end of the tail of xiong that silver needle, the facial expression metal graily frightens a person.
Probably know small eight time not much, the way Er swayed to sway body ti and put one a little bit comfortable posture, sneer way:"This form is lately our CIA to develop of especially work weapon.Its main use is used to assassinate, the features is a watch, easily conceal to take, and the silver needle had no an interest while shooting, can have no to take precautions against at the person under, there is no some pain feeling that the dead drops, so the watch is been internal to call that it is a life transmigration of soul by us.In have six silver needles, each silver needle top Tu Zhu has the deadly poison of strong effect anaesthesia function.The silver needle shoots into a human body, the deadly poison quickly gets into heart with the blood, the ability paralyzes it, make the heart stop flutter.Poisoned person not five minutes because the heart stops jumping about and Wu, having no medicine can solve, it is can hardly for after the event to also check a trace, form the heart attack burst but die.I can say, you are very lucky, because you are the first to accept an on trial person."
The asphyxiation feeling of"-" xiong, let small eight unwillingly send out roars, just faint voice, seem really persistence not how long!
"You recognize a life!"The way Er trails heavy body ti to climb from the ground and shiver of take out one oil of box jing from the blouse, open cover, inside but is the medicine slice in various color, he picks medium among them blue medicine slice, put into mastication in the mouth, then difficulties of swallow into belly inside, deeply absorbed tone to say with smile:"Although don't know this bayonet top is what poison, my medicine why it temporarily inhibits!Is very sorry, the this time matches to exchange blows, end of the victor is me!"
"Not, this game doesn't have victor, American guy, see again!"A female's voice rings out in the way Er ear, the in power Er fears of become overdo, a bayonet has already deeply tied into his neck, ambiguously medium, the way Er hears nearby and hurriedly cry for help a voice, then is many steps with busy person a noisy miscellaneous voice, again then, the way Er sinks into infinite blackness.
Is positive such as that woman say, this game doesn't have victor!
A person of Er is that the Suo is second, she is dark to hate she to late come to one step, sees small eight facial expressionses at the moment, and that weak of heart palpitates, she knows, if there is no miracle occurrence, small eight lives today the Liao was here.
Once turned round to looking at the woman of deep slumber be still full of a cold idea in the Suo second vision, all this woman, if isn't her, small eight can't die, is more opposite than this not well-known woman, together from the training camp in come out of small eight, obviously want Gao Chu at the Suo position within second heart many, if Zhang Zhe in advance didn't mention this woman, the Suo is second very probably temporarily angry under kill she!
"Pray!You had better be still useful to young master!Otherwise I definitely killed you!"Looking at that weak pallor of beautiful, Suo second heart a burst of yao tooth gnash teeth with hatred!

Text 234 chapters pull Er man!
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